
July 4th, 1776: The Declaration Of Independence

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July 4th, 1776: The Declaration Of Independence
As many people remember, July 4th, 1776, better know as Independence Day, was the day when America officially declare independence from Great Britain when the colonists signed the Declaration of Independence. When the colonists first settled down in America, they never wanted to be separated with Great Britain. However, their rights were being taken away, their voices were never heard, and they were controlled unjustly by the king. The tension between the British colonist and the king had built up over a period of time. Before the colonists finalized their idea on declaring independence, there were two different voices. The conservationists, led by a man named John Dickenson from Pennsylvania, believed that the colonies would not stand a chance against the British. They would rather reunite with their mother country than to fight for their rights. The other group is led by courageous people such as John Adams. They have faith that with time and efforts, they would be able to gain …show more content…
But the king did not give up on the idea of taxing the colonist in order to get more money to pay for the debt from the Seven Years war. The British tried to put new taxes on the Americans in the form of the Townshend Acts. These new forms of taxation only led to further protests and boycotts. Without direct representation in the parliament, one of the most effective ways the colonists could protest taxation was by boycotting. Even the Tea Act made tea cheaper for the colonist, the protest was never about money. It was the idea that the king kept forcing the American to accept that they were under his rule and they were to obey his government. The Boston Tea Party was one outstanding revolutionary action done by the colonists to show the king that they would not tolerate any longer of the king’s tyrannical treatment and that they needed to be treated with equality as any other English subjects living in Great Britain (Brand,

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