D = (1 + 0.094(wab – 3.65))(1 + 0.0009(Vrba – 120)) x (1 + 0.0006(Vlba – 150))
E = (1 + 0.094(wbc – 3.65))(1 + 0.0009(Vrbc – 120))
F = (1 + 0.094(wcb – 3.65))(1 + 0.0009(Vrcb – 120)) μ = stream capacity qab = measured flow of stream a-b qac = measured flow of stream a-c qca = measured flow of stream c-a qcb = measured flow of stream c-b wba = avg. lane width over a dist. of 20m available to waiting vehicles in the stream b-a, meters wbc = avg. lane width over a dist. of 20m available to waiting vehicles in the stream b-c, meters wcb = avg. lane width available to waiting vehicles in the stream c-b, meters
Vrba = Visibility to the right from a 10m back from the give-way line for vehicles making the b-a maneuver, meters
Vrbc = Visibility to the right from a 10m back from the give-way line for vehicles making the b-c maneuver, meters
Vrcb = Visibility to the right from a 10m back from the give-way line for vehicles making the c-b maneuver, meters wcr = width of the central reserve (only for dual carriageways), meters
Y = (1 – 0.0345W)
W = total major road carriageway width, meters
L = ρ + C ρ² (1 – ρ)
regular vehicle arrivals C = 0 random arrivals C = 1 ρ = flow(λ) ÷ capacity(μ)
L = ρ/ (1 – ρ)
L = (ρ – 1)μt
L = 0.5 x ((A² + B) - A)
A = (1 – ρ)(μt)² + (1 – Lo)μt – 2(1 – C)(Lo + ρμt) μt + (1 – C)
B = 4(Lo + ρμt)(μt – (1 – C)(Lo + ρμt)) μt + (1 – C)
Dt = 0.5 x ((F² + G) - F)
F = (1 – ρ)(μt)² – 2(Lo - 1)μt – 4(1 – C)(Lo + ρμt) 2(μt + 2(1 – C))
G = 2(2Lo + ρμt)(μt – (1 – C)(2Lo + ρμt)) μt + 2(1 – C)
Dv = 0.5 x ((P² + Q) - P) + 1/μ
P = (0.5 x (1 – ρ)t) – (1/μ)(Lo – C)
Q = (2Ct/μ)(ρ + 2Lo/μt) μ = capacity ρ =