Schools alone cannot solve the obesity epidemic in our nation, but they do lay a strong foundation for establishing healthy eating habits and ensuring physical activity. Schools play an expediential piece because 95 percent of children are enrolled in school and it allows us to reach the majority of children in society. Endorsing physical education and healthy eating has been endorsed by schools, this is not a new expectation. Research connects shows that healthy eating habits not only assist with internal health but links physical activity, nutritional programs and academic performance. Investigations performed by reveals “since students began eating healthier lunches, test scores and grades have significantly improved across the school, far fewer students have been suspended or expelled, and behavioral issues decreased to such an extent that the school found it no longer needed to keep a police officer on campus to respond to out-of-control students”. Schools can assist students with adopting and maintain healthier eating behaviors, which will benefit performance within the …show more content…
However, most schools and school districts experience challenges to improve nutritional standards. Schools experience pressure to excel on standardizing test, as well as limited resources and budgets. It makes it difficult to find resources and typically leads to the strain of selling unhealthy food alternatives to raise revenue to support school functions. Consuming healthy food choices is proven to assist in improving attention spans and concentration for students by increasing their intellectual function and making them more alert. As an outcome, they tend to do better on their assessments and examinations. Sugar crashes could have led to fatigue and poor concentration during school. Therefore, to optimize mental capacity to learn at school, students should consume healthy food on a regular basis. Support eliminating poor food choices from our schools to set our nation on the right track to health, improve test and grades in schools, and decrease behavioural