1Actions can often portray a person’s needs, wants, and hopes. 2“Just Lather, That’s All” by Hernando Tellez and “The Fifty-First Dragon” by Christopher Morley are two stories that convey that the two protagonist’s actions display how they feel. 3Both stories prove how their actions reveal what is on their minds, even though their situations are completely divergent.
4Allthough each of these short stories speak about the actions of the protagonists; this paragraph will analyze the difference between the two. 5Each character in both story are given a problem, and they act very differently. 6Gawaine plays a young dragon slayer in “The Fifty-First Dragon”, and from the fact that he can slaughter a living creature in a single, mocking swing of his sword, we can tell that he doesn’t care for the well-being of the dragon, and only focuses on his fame and glory that exceeds from his sinful act. 7In the story “Just Lather, That’s All” the Barber thinks long and hard before deciding whether to, or not to murder the cruel general that sits comfortably in the barber chair, within the barber’s reach. 8Nervousness proves whether the person has the ability to commit a hasty decision, or to back away slowly. 9Gawaine swings his sword and slices through each dragon without any fear at all. 10Gawaine is evidently different than the Barber whose hands evidently tremble from his anxiety. 11Although the Barber would seem timid and frightened, we can tell that his personality helped him make the right choice by not killing the General.
12While comparing these two essay’s I have discovered many similarities. 13For one, both characters, like many of us, try to avoid harm. 14Gawaine protests that he needs a magic hat or word to protect him, proving that he is afraid of getting hurt. 15So too, the Barber’s final thought is that he doesn’t want harm from the General’s supporters. 16Another