The word ‘terrorism’ instantly makes people shudder; the negative connotations and controversies surrounding terrorism in modern society are enough to spark a discussion of whether it is justifiable or not. In order to determine whether or not terrorism can be justified, a clear definition must be decided upon. Decades before the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, the definition of the word terrorism was hard to define. Political figures around the globe argued and disagreed on what they thought should have determined the act of terrorism.1 Now, there are multiple different definitions originating from distinct cultures and societies, suggesting that terrorism is in the eye of the victim. One definition of terrorism is “any violent or criminal act planned for a political or ideological purpose2”; while another claims that terrorism is understood to be a direct attack on innocents3. Since both of these definitions have important components to them, it can be assumed that both traits are essential to defining terrorism. For the purpose of this paper, the definition of terrorism will be understood as ‘a violent attack on innocents for the purpose of political change’. It can be hard for most people to understand the act of injuring and/or killing hundreds, or maybe even tens of thousands of people, as justifiable. However, if the innocents are seen as legitimate targets, the violent acts of terrorism can be carried out without justification. In order for innocent people to be perceived as legitimate targets or combatants, there must be a defined situation of total war. Total war is a type of warfare where a state or a nation battling and fighting with another, mobilizing all accessible resources and population to aid in the battles and the overall victory. For example, during World War II, all countries involved were deploying their civilian
References: Eubank, W. and Weinberg, L. “Terrorism and Democracy: Perpetrators and Victims,” Terrorism and Political Violence 13 (2001): 155-164. Accessed March 15, 2014. doi: 10.1080/0956550109609674 Van Evera, Stephen. “The War on Terror: Forgotten Lessons from World War II,” The Audit of Conventional Wisdom 6 (2006). Accessed March 16, 2014.