Imagining weight on a scale, when one goes up, the other one goes down. The natural order of life is the balance signaling there is always a price to pay for an achievement. In line with the explosion of the information and technology development, the quality of life has been literally perceived as jumping onto a higher level of realm. But on the other side of the scale is the humanity, the price to pay for such an advance achievement. Consequently there is the need to look into the matter on whether the technology should advance the humanity or it should be the otherwise. Therefore, this report will focus on the causes and the effects of the problems arisen, thus outlined few suggestions to overcome the issue before the spark triggered the fire. This report has been designed structurally from identifying the problem, the effect and subsequently discuss on the measurements to balance the order.
There are lots of companies have run the electronic auditing procedures to monitor the computer use of the employees. They perceived this matter seriously because the future achievement is their priority. But is the implementation of the employee monitoring system is necessary is still under a heat debate because it deals with their privacy and individual right. We should make a clear statement that company computing systems are provided as tools for business and all information created, accessed, or stored using these systems are the property of the company and are subject to monitoring, auditing, or review. Even though the management has the authority to do so as the management is their source of income, but it is appropriate for the management to also look into their welfare as equal priority. Therefore, this report will focus on both side of the scale and dwell into both the benefits and the harms on implementing such a major monitoring system. Below (Diagram 1.0) is the finding of a research conducted by The American Management Association as
References: Jaya Pushani P. (et. Al.). (2011). Business Reports: Types of Short Reports; Justification Reports. In Editorial Unit (Eds.), OUMH2203: English for Workplace Communication. (13th ed., pp. 168). Sri Kembangan: Meteor Doc. Sdn Bhd. Boxman RL.(2005). How to Write a Good Paper.[Online]. Available: .[2013, February 14] Boone K. (2004). How to Write a Technical Report.[Online] Available:, [2013, February 15] LAN Employee Monitor Preview. (n.d). [Online]. Available: . [2013, February 15] Jason (2010). Employee, Interruped - Internet use in Today 's Workplace. [Online]. Available: . [2013, February 15] Issues to consider when implementing an employee monitoring program. (2005). [Online]. Available: . [2013, February 15]