made in 1993, in 2001 only 1,400 juvenile murder arrests were made pointing out the decrease in murder arrests (Snyder, 2003). Furthermore, between 1994 and 2001, the juvenile Property Crime Index consisting of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson, the arrests rate dropped 41%, to its lowest level since at least the 1960s. “More specifically, juvenile burglary arrest rates have been declining since at least the early 1980s” (Snyder, 2003, p. 5). According to the data analyzed by the Juvenile Arrests 2001 bulletin, the juvenile arrests in violent crimes that consist of murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, all have proven to be at its lowest since 1976 as well as the property crime arrests in juveniles (Snyder, 2003). Besides the considerable declines in juvenile arrests for violent crimes and property crimes, major increases in drug abuse violates were extensively present between 1992 and 2001. For example, “the juvenile arrests rates for simple assaults increased by over 150% between the late 1980s and 1990s and reached a historical high by 2001” (Snyder, 2003, p. 3). Moreover, in 2001 adult arrest for drug abuse violation increase by 33% whereas juvenile drug abuse violation considerably increased by 77% (Snyder, 2003). Indeed, it is estimated that 202,500 juveniles were arrested for drug abuse violations. Furthermore, in 1992 to 2001 a shocking rate of 121% was reached for juvenile drug abuse violation. Because the Juvenile Arrests 2001 bulletin showed that between 1992 and 2001 a decline of violent crime arrests was greater for juveniles than adults, yet, juveniles had the greatest increase of drug abuse violations than adults, concerns pose for the juvenile justice system to prove the relationship in drug abuse and violent crimes (Snyder, 2003). In addition to the decline crime rates of juveniles a surprising portion of the crimes are committed by the female juveniles.
For example, in 2001, law enforcement agencies arrested 645,000 juvenile females (Snyder, 2003). Nevertheless, between black juveniles and white juveniles a difference exists in violent crime arrest rates. For example, in 2001 the Violent Crime Index arrest rate showed that black juveniles were considered for three times more arrest than white and Indians as well as to seven times more arrest than Asian juveniles (Snyder, 2003). In fact, “of all the juvenile violent crime arrests in 2001, 55% were Caucasian offenders, 43% were African American, and only 1% was Asian” (Snyder, 2003, p. 8). Therefore, when analyzing the data presented total juvenile arrests consisted of a Caucasian majority followed by African American juveniles and other
While drug offenses and simple assault remains as a serious concern with juveniles, the Juvenile Arrests 2001 bulletin reports a decline for violent crimes among juveniles (Snyder, 2003). Yet, female juveniles’ crime rates are increasing as minorities crime rates are significantly decreasing as well. However, the annual data collected by the bulletin gives crucial information to juvenile justice professionals in determining the trends in juvenile crime. Therefore, the local and state information of juvenile arrest gathered for the FBI to analyzed and report establish the future of the juvenile justice system.