The first Juvenile court was in Chicago, Illinois in 1899 for the first time ever courts had a different duty to children charged with violating the law. The Progressive viewed crime and delinquency as a disease to be treated and curved by social intervention in 1912 the child labor laws were passed. In 1925 all but 2 states had juvenile court systems. In 1935, the social security Act provided major federal funding to aid children and families. By 1948 all states had passed special laws for juveniles. Federal Youth Corrections Act created a juvenile Delinquency Bureau in the department of Health-Education and education. Courts began to use probation to discipline youth. “When youth leave jail or prison, are on probation, or have completed their adult sentence, they carry the stigma of an adult criminal conviction” (Ryan, …show more content…
The Medical Model replaces with Justice Model stating crime is a product of adaptation to societal conditions and free will not disease or poor environments. Two or more D’s were added to juvenile justice Deterrence specific and general; deserts youth should get their deserts which means they should get what they deserve. The nest interests of society replaced with the best interest of the youth. Punishment during this era is for society’s good and treatment for the individuals good. Now all 49 states allow prosecutors to send youth directly to criminal court. There are 26 states exclude certain offences from juvenile court junsdiction. I consider the Criminal Control Period to be the most influential period of Juvenile Justice History due to the fact Juvenile Justice is still evolving and NOT at static.
Ryan, Liz. Cardozo; retrieved on April 6, 2015 from; Law Review. Feb2014, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p1167-1184. 18p.
Gaudio, Christina M.; retrieved on April 6, 2015 from; Family Court Review. Jan2010, Vol. 48 Issue 1, p212-227.