The expansion of the Islamic Empire shows the possibility of using religion as a cover up for the desire of land and power. Islamic countries were not allowed to harm nor raid other neighboring Islamic countries by the rule of Islam. Thus, provoked them to raid non-muslim countries, gaining the empire lots of land and resources. Every empire and its rulers wants to be the most powerful and the one with the most control that other competitors fear. The Islamic Empire doesn’t differ. As they needed more materials for their survival, using this rule of Islam was a perfect way for rulers to unite and persuade all their people to agree to fight for them. …show more content…
ISIS is a vicious military group that causes violence to other countries. Majority may view ISIS Islam based, however ISIS uses the religion for the sole purpose of justification. A rule of Islam is it’s okay to fight if it is for a just cause. ISIS uses this excuse to cover up that they really just want power and will stop at nothing to get