Karl Marx’s philosophy has been the subject of so much judgement and Scrutiny on if his beliefs will truly save the working man. The bourgeois interlocutor believe Marx’s belief would be more detrimental to the people as a whole. They believe that by wishing to abolish private property, communism will become a danger to freedom and eventual end up destroying the very base of all personal freedom, activity, and independence. Marx responds to these comments by stating that wage labor does not create any property when considering the laborers affairs. It only creates capital, a property which works only to increase the social injustice of the worker. This property called capital, is based on class antagonism. Having linked private property …show more content…
Communists are different from other socialist parties because their main focus lies solely on the common interests of all workers in general and not the sole interests of any kind of single national movement. They appreciate the forces of history that have pushed the progress of their class and has helped lead the proletariat to fulfill their destiny. As Marx says, "The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all other proletarian parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, overthrow of the bourgeois supremacy, conquest of political power by the proletariat" (95). What Marx offered the working man sounded like a dream to them. He offered them free education for all children in government schools. Abolition of children's factory labor. The idea of a parent’s children