Bhogaishwarya- prasaktaanaam taya apahrita- chetasaam vyavasaayaatmika buddhih samaadhau na vidheeyate // 2.44 //
44. The intelligence of such people gets carried away by material pleasures of life and heavenly enjoyments after their death that result in their repeated births and deaths. They cannot obtain the ultimate wisdom (Realizing the Supreme Reality).
The above verse indicates that one who aspires for worldly pleasures, prosperity and success while living and attainment of heaven after one's death can not become immortal as they are bound undergo repeated births and deaths.
Traigunya vishayaa vedaah nistraigunyo bhavaarjuna nirdwandwo nitya-satwastho niryogakshema aatmavaan // 2.45 //
45. O, Arjuna, the Vedas deal with the three qualities of Nature namely, Sathva, Rajas and Thamas. Go beyond these three qualities and the pairs of opposites (like pleasure and pain, heat and cold etc). Instead, you should get established in the Pure Aatman or Spirit by abandoning all material cravings for possessions and without concern for all dualities of life (like pleasure and pain, heat and …show more content…
Vedic rituals and sacrifices performed for worldly pleasures and power while living and attainment of heaven after one’s death cannot help in realizing the Supreme that frees one from repeated cycles of birth and death that are associated with the hardships sorrows and miseries of life. However one will be able to gain knowledge through Vedas, the ancient Indian scriptures. But knowledge alone will not lead to wisdom. One may gain Jnaana (knowledge) about the ultimate reality through Vedas but he will not be able to experience the reality by studying the Vedas. The wisdom that is Vijnaana is obtained only by experiencing within oneself the knowledge that one had gained. So Vedas are helpful to gain knowledge. Once the relevant knowledge is obtained then the Vedas are no more useful because what is required then is to gain experience within oneself the knowledge that he has gained that culminates in wisdom or Vijnaana through unification of the individual Soul with the ultimate universal Soul through the practice of spiritual disciplines that are Saadhanaas or Yoga (any spiritual technique). In this sense the one who has identified himself with Brahman has no use for the Vedas because then Vedas are like a small pond of water whereas the wisdom of that person is like the ocean. When