Granny's first love is George and though she denies it, she never really got past being jilted by him. Laying in bed, a persistent, nagging thought comes to Granny's mind. and she knew it …show more content…
When George didn't show and left her standing without a bridegroom and the priest in the house at least she still had God. When John had died and she was left with the children, she still had God. For life was truly hard for her and she needed strength to be able to take care of all the children and everything concerning them and the house. Praying she said, "God, for all my life I thank Thee. Without Thee, my God, I could never have done it." (pg 67 p3) So the Lord was her strength with Him she was able to carry on and persist through the grief she had from the others abandoning her. Laying in that bed 82 years old Father Connolly came to speak to her. (pg 69 p5) He would often inquire about her soul. But Granny was not at all worried, for her soul was well. She felt there was a road cleared for her that led directly to God. (pg 69 p5) All while she held onto her rosary as people were crowded around her. As thoughts came to her mind, she felt as though her life was still good. Though it was short, she had a good husband in John. So good the only one she would exchange John for was St. Michael himself. (pg 70 p5) As she waited for a sign from the Lord, she thought of what was left to do and what she had done. Eventually she was pleased and waited for a sign from God. But at last the sign never came. God had left her with the priest in the house. This final jilting and abandonment shook her