The city of Kelsey is a community of individuals working together to create a socially responsible community. The people, government, and organizations within the city of Kelsey share the responsibility to the greater interests of the city’s general public. Each individual is subject to his or her own personal beliefs and ideals but makes a judgment as a group in determining what is determined to be socially responsible.
Kelsey’s community houses anyone ranging from young to old. With a growing population of 625,233 in 2000, Kelsey ranked first among Northwest Valley incorporated cities and towns. This city is an earth friendly community providing a better value of life through community service, environmental awareness, and prompting a healthier way of life founded in 1932 by M. Kelsey. His vision was to maintain a close knit community while preserving the land natural resources. Kelsey is able to offer healthy lifestyles to individuals because of the organic farms and growing fresh fruits. Kelsey has roots that are grounded in history as agriculture and self-sufficient. The earlier citizens who reside there lived solely off of their land. Kelsey respects their land and their organic fruits and vegetables have given their …show more content…
Kelsey Garden grows organic fruits and vegetables; Huffman Trucking transports the organic fruits and vegetables. Kelsey Construction provides extensive building for business and new homes, and Smith System Consulting is a Technology Company. These companies along with the police department, fire department, emergency medical service, hospitals, library, school systems, postal, prison, sanitation, utility, telephone, and cable companies are also options of employment for the people of