Internal fetal monitoring is accomplished with a fetal scalp electrode that is a direct electrocardiogram of the FHR and therefore produces the most accurate FHR tracing having an advantage over the external monitoring. The FSE is attached to the fetus during a vaginal exam and then connected to a fetal monitor. Because the risk of transmission to the fetus is increased by the small puncture in the fetal scalp, use of internal scalp electrodes should be avoided if at all possible in the presence of known maternal infections such as HIV, hepatitis or GBS. Fetal scalp monitors are also avoided in preterm infants because of the increased risk of ventricular hemorrhage.…
Wendy had insurance and Juanita didn’t. Although these women are fictional, Reid presented the truth that many citizens face. Without access to affordable health care, many people die. As blunt as that may sound, it’s the truth. Reid related this to the idea that although American’s may have the right to protection…
Health care costs have become a major issue in the United States, both socially and politically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 50.7 million people, or nearly one in six U.S. residents, were uninsured in 2009 (Kaiser Health News, 2010).This is because the high cost of health care has driven the cost of insurance out of the reach of many Americans. Contributing factors to the continuing increase in the cost of health care are the generally unhealthy…
The House voted 219 to 212 to approve the measure, with every Republican voting. Over the next 10 years, the measure will set in gesture a complex series of deviations to the health insurance market that will transform into the biggest enlargement of coverage since Medicare and Medicaid were created in 1965, and the most aspiring power ever to restrain health-care costs. Presidents as far back as Theodore Roosevelt have rued the nation 's approach to health coverage, a structure that assists fairly well to 150 million Americans who have health insurance through their jobs but offers few affordable choices for individuals who work part time, are independent or work for establishments that don 't propose health benefits. The bill will affect almost every man, woman and youngster in the United States in some way, from the young adults who establish one of the largest uninsured groups to poor and childless adults who are not eligible for Medicaid in most states. The healthcare debate affected many moral issues in American…
Obama states that the cost of the health care was a “threat to our economy” and health care should be a “right for every American”. After Obama became president he pushed the congress to pass the health care act into weekly speeches, on media, and much more. On March 23,2010, President Obama signed the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”. This law was the main part of bill's improvement towards the United States healthcare system. The Care act was publicized to expand healthcare coverage to the 32 million Americans who were uninsured. “Dismantle or Improving ObamaCare?” An article by Deborah B. Gardner questions, “how will the republicans work to dismantle or change ObamaCAre?”(ProCon). Although the negative individual’s assumption referencing to the American Care Act, “repeal and replace” was a hasty legislative message for republicans in the campaign. Gardner reflects in her article about being in need of the nurses, doctors, and medical advisors to accept how the republicans are devoided to change the Affordable Care Act. It provides an overview on the possible regions that Republicans might decide to change or to remove, which includes removing or improving the Affordable Care Act, the support of repealing or modify the employer mandate, and the cooper plan offer. Gardner believes that is we “put our voices together,…
In the United States there are nearly 12 million undocumented immigrants that are denied affordable access to healthcare (Rosen, 2012). In 2010 President Barack Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) with the intention to expand economical healthcare to the millions of uninsured residents across the United States. However, this law excludes undocumented immigrants from receiving health insurance from the Marketplace, Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (D’Emilia & Suplee, 2012). The exclusion from the Marketplace, Medicaid and CHIP for undocumented immigrants furthers the gap of accessible healthcare as they are ineligible for governmental aid even though the foreign-born population has higher rates of poverty, lower education levels, and lower rates of health care coverage compared to U.S. born residents (Edward,…
Several news have written articles debating on the pros and cons on this health care reform. The New York Times published an article called “The Obama Care Shock” by Paul Krugman. In it, Krugman provides positive input regarding this upcoming affordable health plan. On the other hand, ABC news, published an article written by Charles Babington called “80 House Members Shutdown the “Obama care”. This report focuses more on the negative points of Obamacare. According to the author of this article, Obamacare becomes chaotic and adds another source of stress to the average citizen since now all Americans will be required to obtain health insurance. Many concerns continue to raise questions as: Will Obama care work? Would it affect citizens instead of helping them? Is it affordable? All these questions are now requiring prompt answers. The two opposing articles discussed here a much too common reflection of the uncertainty in American…
The passing of Affordable Care Act is the highlight of the president Obama’s first term in the White house. Now that president Obama is re-elected, the affordable care act will be implemented in full during the next four years. There is no doubt that a large number of uninsured populations are a serious public health risk. Half of bankruptcies in the United States are triggered by illnesses and its financial consequences. Affordable Care Act provides health insurance provisions to the 32 million uninsured Americans. In the recent edition of New England Journal of Medicine, President Obama wrote “Supporters and detractors alike refer to the law as Obamacare. I don 't mind, because I do care. And because…
One of the advantages of the law is how Millennials can be dependents under their parents’ health plan in order to increase the percentage of individuals insured. Since most millionaires are full time students they are in the process of paying back loans, the act’s goal is to help those who are low income to have the opportunity to receive health insurance. The last advantage is the chance of having quality health care premiums instead of using other alternatives for insurance. Despite all the many benefits of the Affordable Care Act, the law lacks equality among all the social classes because of the high premiums, especially for the middle class and the misunderstanding of the law in which many individuals believed in the free annual checkups under the law. However the law as a whole has contributed to many benefits for individuals in the sense that there are more opportunities in the health…
Howard explains that women are taking advantage of insured birth control. It is recommended to get obtainable and affordable birth control compared to when prices have inflated. She argues that "repeal and replace" objective is an empty promise and a personal achievement for Trump to get rid of Obamacare. Her primary reference is Dr. Davis, an obstetrician/ gynecologist who gives shares her observations of what she overheard from patients. Her patients seemed to be concerned, that after the Obamacare is repealed, the benefits at the clinic are going to be extremely limited. Another method is using tweets from the general public as a representation of concerned American females that use Obamacare or sees it as helpful to others. People's feedback…
The biggest issue that Affordable Care Act influence people is that it create unbalance between health care spending and income growth. Increased costs for individuals, families, and businesses, resumption of excessive health care spending and middle-class taxation will be much higher and will be a huge burden not only for the nation but also for each small parties. “In fact, for the past 40 years real, per capita health care spending has been growing at twice the rate of growth of real, per capita income. That’s not only true in the United States, however, it is about the average for the whole developed world.” (John Goodman 1) From the facts, health care spending is more and more of the family budget and it will be even worth in the near…
Actions like these taken by providers defeat all efforts that go into getting coverage for individuals; for instance, cases that involve pregnant women whose health providers exterminate coverage due to expensive medical costs. Another way that President Obama is expanding health care is by introducing the idea of subsidies, subsidies would be based on personal income and individuals could receive a minimum level of health coverage. Critics of the Affordable Care Act disagree with the government’s role in regulating the health insurance market with the notion that “it constitutes a government takeover of the health care system” (Oberlander Pg. 433). Others, would argue that without government interference providers would have no limits to give high premiums or who would be covered by their insurance company. Understanding a way to provide coverage and keep health care services available for all Americans is important when reforming health care policies.…
Healthcare reform has been the topic of countless debates for many years. In America today, the condition healthcare is in has definitely caught citizens attention, but is not the ‘change’ most were hoping for. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), formally known as Obama Care, signed into law on March 23, 2010 by President Obama himself. Its purpose is to provide affordable health insurance to all Americans but primarily to low and middle-class citizens as well as to cut health care cost. Lately the act has done the complete opposite costing citizens more than promised. In order for the ACA to be as effective as it should, healthcare should be reformed because of the cost, the need of improvement in the quality of care, and…
How Will the Uninsured in North Carolina Fare Under the Affordable Care Act. (2014). The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Retrieved from…
His plan for health care insurance “begins by covering every American.” Obama’s plan revolves around the idea of offering insurance to each and every American. This new national health plan will guarantee that no American is refused insurance due to illness or pre-health conditions. Part of the new national health care will cover all essential medical services including maternal, preventative and mental health care1. The plan also addresses the costs side of health care. Obama will create affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles as well as the overall cost of health care by “modernizing” the U.S. health care system itself1. This cost reduction involves several steps. One of the key steps toward lowering the costs according to Obama would be to help the patients directly by supporting disease management programs. Obama will require that health care providers participate in what he calls the “Federal Employee Health Care Benefits Program1” (FEHBP). Obama states that by doing so, it will not only give doctors better information but it will also improve the quality of the health care provided.…