The entirety of my life I have been exceedingly average. My brother was superior in academics. I was achingly mediocre at sports. While I was homeschooled I took art from a family friend, and again my freshman year. I refused to take it seriously. My logic was irrational, but I believed if I were to put forth an effort, and then fail, the sting of defeat would only be …show more content…
Since then, I have been taught by several mentors, who are artists themselves. Presenting my art in three shows has compelled me to openly speak about my art. I have learned substantially. The environment that surrounds the Kent Bellows program is reassuring, warm, and welcoming. Consequently, through exposing me to people, places, opportunities, and resources my well being and attitudes improved substantially. The entire process boosted my self-esteem and helped me gain a better understanding of who I am. This program triggered the realization I did have talent. I was, and am not, painfully mediocre.
In order succeeded I had to try, to really work, and while that might not be factual for every scenario, without an attempt nothing would ever be accomplished. By living in dread of the outcome of any situation, the situation is not altered. I have come to the conclusion that trying is not always about succeeding; it is about finding your passion and pursuing