The addiction to ketamine is a very strong mental bond. What occurs when a person uses ketamine is called disassociation. They become separate from themselves. The feeling that comes with this is an extreme feeling of euphoria followed by a near death feeling. These episodes of consciousness perforation can become extremely psychologically addicting.
This addiction is one of the mind. Unlike opiates, which are physically addicting, ketamine has its grips on the mind.
Short Term Effects of Ketamine Abuse – Small Doses * Inebriation * Euphoria * Clumsiness * Delayed reactions or sensations * Vertigo * Erotic feelings * Visuals * Analgesia * Loss of motor coordination * Loss of time perception * Increase in heart rate * Confusion, disorientation
Short Term Effects of Ketamine Abuse – Large Doses * Intense mind-body dissociation * out-of-body experiences * highly realistic visuals * Euphoria * Ketamine addiction * Complete dissociation * Black outs * Psychedelic visions or hallucinations * Near death experiences * Difficulty moving * Nausea * Amnesia * Panic * Rage * Slurred speech * Nausea * Vomiting
Long Term Effects of Ketamine Abuse * Ketamine addiction * Depression * Delirium * Impaired motor function * Memory loss * High blood pressure * Fatal respiratory problems * Severe confusion * Paranoia * Egocentrism * Severe dissociation * Loss of consciousness * Depression of heart rate * Depression of respiration * Death
Ketamine Treatment
Ketamine treatment is a process; this process is undertaken on many different aspects of the addiction. Ketamine treatment is here to offer hope. If you or someone you love is addicted to ketamine then ketamine treatment is the only thing that may save their life.
1. Awareness of the disease of addiction
2. Actual ketamine treatment