1.0 Abstract
Acetaminophen and aspirin are both well-known drugs that relieve pain and reduce fever. This report looks at acetaminophen as a potential substitute for a patient who is allergic to aspirin. Acetaminophen, a common analgesic drug that can be bought over the counter, was synthesised by Hormon Northrop Morse. With acetaminophen consisting of a benzene ring, an amide and an alcohol group, it has the ability to stop pain and reduce fevers. However, due to the state of technology, it is not clear as to how and what acetaminophen does to the body in order to have its antipyretic and analgesic effects. Many proposed that acetaminophen works by inhibiting the variant COX (cyclooxygenase) enzymes that are metabolized to produce prostaglandins, enzymes that cause the pain. It is assumed that aspirin works by the inhibition of COX at the site of inflammation whereas acetaminophen operates on the central nervous system. Both aspirin and acetaminophen are metabolised in the liver and distributed throughout the body by the blood and other body fluids respectively. Extreme caution is advised upon the dosage of both drugs, as overdoses may cause severe liver failure which could lead to fatalities. Although acetaminophen does not possess anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet effects like aspirin does, it does however, exert less pressure on the stomach and intestines, furthermore having far less adverse effects than aspirin. Acetaminophen is also safe for pregnant woman and children to use. With such a drug, acetaminophen is the most preferable drug to use when it comes to combating headaches and fever.
2.0 Introduction
Pharmaceuticals play a very important role in the health and wellbeing of mankind. It is the study that concerns the design, action, delivery, disposition, physical and chemical engineering by the form of drugs (University of California, n.d.). The desperate need for drugs to attempt to restore one’s health
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