In Shawshank Redemption the central protagonist Is identified as Andy Dufresne. Andy was a well-educated man being a former vice president of large Portland bank. When Andy arrives to Shawshank prison, him and the prisoners are immediately ordered to do as Byran Hadley(lead guard) says, as Andy was walking into the prison, Red( Andys soon to be friend) states that ‘a stiff breeze would push him over’ which illustrates how Andy had no power what so ever at the time. Another technique used to show Andys powerlessness is the panning of the camera shot, where Andy looks up and sees that it’s the harsh building of the prison portraying to Andy that it is going to be a harsh journey ahead. From being vice president of a large bank to nothing but a convicted felon, he lost his individuality, being just a number. This shows how power can affect an individual, as Andy was someone important to a
In Shawshank Redemption the central protagonist Is identified as Andy Dufresne. Andy was a well-educated man being a former vice president of large Portland bank. When Andy arrives to Shawshank prison, him and the prisoners are immediately ordered to do as Byran Hadley(lead guard) says, as Andy was walking into the prison, Red( Andys soon to be friend) states that ‘a stiff breeze would push him over’ which illustrates how Andy had no power what so ever at the time. Another technique used to show Andys powerlessness is the panning of the camera shot, where Andy looks up and sees that it’s the harsh building of the prison portraying to Andy that it is going to be a harsh journey ahead. From being vice president of a large bank to nothing but a convicted felon, he lost his individuality, being just a number. This shows how power can affect an individual, as Andy was someone important to a