So they filled out her applications for the group and as soon as Hazel’s mother came home, she said, Hazel let’s go out for some ice cream but her mother tricked her and took her to support group because she was worried about Hazel’s mental health and wanted her to be supported by people going through a similar problem. Hazel was yelling and crying when she realized but her mother kept telling her that it’s okay and not worry because she has her mother and God watching over her.
Although Hazel’s mother took her to the support group, Hazel did not want to go back because she felt unsupported and uncomfortable.
As she walked out of the car to enter the building she was scared, and although she is usually shy, she became brave enough to actually walk in because her attitude built up her confidence. One thing that she was worried about was feeling alone in this support group, but that went away once she met August. August came up to Hazel and introduced himself to her and asked her what her name was. They had a long conversation actually had a lot in common, and in particular the found out that they both have Kidney Cancer. This allowed for Hazel to not feel alone in the support group, and took away the worry that she would not be able to live life to the fullest and be a normal happy teenager because of her disease because she was saddened by the support group and its constant focus on sickness. August took that pressure away from her and they fell in love.
All in all, this is why everyone should listen to their parents, because they have your best interest in mind and it will lead to happy things in your future like Hazel’s mother’s decision did for her. Hazel did not want to listen to her mother and go back to the support group, but she did and that allowed for all her pressures and worries of being uncomfortable, alone, and shy slip away because she met August who allowed her to be a carefree, happy and normal teenager even though she has Kidney Cancer. So, I say to listen to your parents because you always get a