Jennifer is a white female, she is currently unemployed and will be graduating high school in May 2016. She does not attend church on a regular basis, but she claims her denomination to be Baptist. Jennifer comes from an upper-middle class household, her mother …show more content…
is a superintendent and her step-father is an electrician. Jennifer’s biological father is currently unemployed, but was raised in a middle class household.
Development Issues
Jennifer has no history of having developmental issues. No one in Jennifer’s immediate family has a history of developmental issues.
Client and Family Rules
Jennifer is being raised in a two parent family with her mother and stepfather. This type of family would be considered a stepfamily. From my observations, Jennifer’s mother has an authoritarian parenting style. Kelly allows minimal open dialogue between her and Jennifer, but expects Jennifer to follow her strict expectations. Kelly relies on punishment as a consequence to Jennifer’s disobedience and to teach Jennifer a lesson. George, Jennifer’s stepfather, has very little say so in Jennifer’s discipline, Kelly is the primary disciplinary in the house. Bobby, Jennifer’s biological father, has a very permissive style of parenting. He does demand obedience from Jennifer, however, he does not confront Jennifer when she shows disrespect or is being disobedient.
Kelly states that in order for Jennifer to come home she will need to show more respect towards her and her husband and follow the rules they have set in place. Jennifer would also need to stop using marijuana to self-medicate herself.
Communication Styles
Jennifer and Kelly have both stated that the communication between the two is stressed. Jennifer states that she has never been able to have an intimate conversation with his mother. This is also a reason she uses marijuana; Jennifer states the marijuana helps her cope with her mother. She also states that she has a decent relationship with her stepfather when her mother is not around. Jennifer stated that when her mother is around her stepfather will side with her mother no matter what the issue is. Jennifer states she really does not have a relationship with her father, because he lives in Texas and she rarely gets a chance to see him.
Role Issues
Jennifer is in transition from being treated like the baby girl in the family, to a young woman who is striving to find herself. Jennifer is experiencing role conflict as a daughter, student and friend. Jennifer’s mother has certain expectations and rules that she expects Jennifer to fulfill and Jennifer is having difficulty meeting those expectations and rules. Jennifer stated she attempts to have a healthy relationship with her mother, but her mother focuses on the negative things Jennifer has done in the past. This is what causes conflicts in their relationship and causes Jennifer to have a role conflict. She wants to be a good daughter, but feels her mother is unwilling to move pass their past relationship.
Style/Approach for Coping
Jennifer has been coping with her family distress, by self-medicating with marijuana and hanging out with her friends. Jennifer states that marijuana calms her down and helps her focus on things that are going wrong in her life. Jennifer is also in counseling and she is learning healthy techniques and methods of de-escalation to deal with stressful situation.
I have explained the dangers of self-medicating with marijuana to Jennifer, she and I discussed other coping mechanisms that she has learned in her counseling sessions. We discussed the importance of keeping communication open between herself and her mother. I encourage Jennifer to always be respectful when addressing her mother.
Jennifer’s mother, Kelly, has an authoritarian demeanor and she has a set of strict rules set in place for Jennifer and expects her to abide by the rules. In observation, Kelly does pride herself on her accomplishments, such as being the Superintendent of the Greenbrier School District. This position puts her in the upper social class, this could be contributing to the strict rules Kelly has set in place for Jennifer. Kelly may feel she has to keep up the appearance of being a productive citizen and maintains an authoritarian demeanor, with Jennifer, to keep her in line. I observed this during a family team meeting, Kelly, stressed the importance of Jennifer following the rules and stated that she could not return home until she learns this. Jennifer attempted to express her feelings to her mother,
Overall Impression
My overall impression of Jennifer and her family dynamics is that although Jennifer appears to an out of control teenager, she is seeking to be accepted and loved by her mother.
Jennifer appears to be a very intelligent individual, however she displays contradicting behaviors. Jennifer finds it difficult to express her need for independence with her mother and often disobeys rules her mother has established. This contributes to the volatile relationship with her mother.
Kelly’s relationship with her daughter is strained, this is in direct relations to the rules and regulations Kelly has set in place. I do have an overall impression of Kelly that she loves her daughter and only wants what is best. Kelly is extremely strict when it comes to disciplining and setting rules in place for Jennifer to follow. I believe she can be more effective in managing Jennifer’s behavior if she properly disciplines Jennifer instead of punishing Jennifer. Jennifer will benefit from learning self-control, resulting in a positive learning experience and a better overall healthy relationship with …show more content…
Goal Setting/Contracting
Contracting Process
Jennifer has had issues with disobeying her mother’s rules, self-medicating with marijuana, staying out late with friends, running away from home and being disrespectful to her mother and grandmother. Jennifer has been running away from home, because she cannot get along with her mother. Jennifer states her mother’s rules are too strict. A family team meeting has been scheduled to discuss the issues listed above and to establish a contracting agreement to attempt to rectify the issues.
Attending the meeting will be myself, my client, Jennifer Smith, Jennifer’s mother Kelly Williams and Jennifer’s paternal grandmother Judy Smith.
The contracting agreement will focus on the short-term goals of having Jennifer’s mother join her in one of her monthly counseling session. This short term goal will be set in place to establish healthy communication between Jennifer and Kelly. Jennifer and her mother will be able to reveal their feelings to each other in a guided and constructive manner. Another short term goal will be for Jennifer to attend a narcotics anonymous group for teens. This will help Jennifer as she attempts to stop using marijuana to
Jennifer will continue to meet with her counselor and work on healthy coping mechanisms to manage stresses in her life. Jennifer plans to attend college in the fall and has set a short term goal of taking the ACT, graduating from high school and applying for college. Jennifer also plans to find a job to encourage positive time management and help her get ready for graduation. In agreement with her mother and paternal grandmother, Jennifer will set a short term goal of being in the house by 8 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and by 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
The long term goals that will be discussed in the family team meeting will be a healthy termination process for Jennifer, because she will be aging out of the DFCS custody when she turns 18 in November of 2016. Jennifer also has a long term goal of having a healthy relationship with her mother, stop self-medicating with marijuana, becoming gainfully employed and attending college.