So, mr Darkholme, the Maasaians are not very well known people. what is the most interesting and important ritual tell your people practice so we can get an belief overview?
Vd: well, we have an odd tradition that would be very strange to outsiders but heavy eagered for, as childern, Emuratare is an rite of passage where the child becomes a adult through circumcision, it happens to both boys and girls as this is the most important performance the Maasais did followed by other rituals beofre and …show more content…
Segregation starts in puberty, the child is ready to become an adult and needs to perform various of other rituals before the main event occurs, including traveling arouind the land with the elders. transition The day before, they must shower in the cold and happens at the rise of dawn .Usually the boys must be in complete silence during the prodecure or else they might bring hishonor or shame to themselves, they excited for it but that doesnt decrease the pain severity.
Reintegration :
The children are marked with white lines on their faces and could still smile even after that painful procedure. happens when the healing takes 3-4 months and another 8 months to heal during which they must wear all black and after the healing, they become adults. It hard but i did become a lot stronger after it.
-Kk:I can see, you are a pretty strong man. Circumision happens to babies because it would hurt alot less, why would anyone let alone a community allow that to …show more content…
The elders of the tribe are the ones who circumsiance thhe children, they have the most experience and decide wether the child is worry of respect. Its brings the friends and family of the children together to encourage them so theyy wouldn;t shame themsleves, it makes everyone more strongly bonded with eachother
I remembered my friends and family supporting me during my thime and boy did it helped, i doubt i could be so still from the pain without an urge to scream.
This has happened to many tribes but has any or some external forces affected the passage
8. From outside influence, female Emuratare is less common due to how taboo it seem, men conitue this practice, even excited for it. Despite preivous colonal attempts and Kenyan goverments at stop their cultural lifestyle, the Maasaians perisist in their traditions. The british brought ¾ of their population to death, that is how conservative we are.hey live in kenya and are consided indigous people who refuse to be assumlated and contiue many of their old roots.
9. his passage shows what the3 boy has in his strength as the next step is to train to be a warrior, the gitf of cattles means the male can watch over settles as cattles are the Maasai’s main source of food. Tradtionally, the Maasaisans have high male death rate compare to women from war in their past and they need strong young