All Kine198 Health and Fitness lecture tests will be 40 questions, each question is worth ½ point each. Test format may be multiple choice, True/False, matching etc. Failure to bring a Scantron 882 and pencil will result in student forfeiting his/her right to take the test. Please come to class prepared.
Chapter 1- Introduction to Personal Health and Fitness
Define health and know the components of wellness
Define stress, eustress, and distress
Know stress management techniques and how stress effects longevity
Know significance of Healthy people 2010
Chapter 2- Understanding Health Related Fitness
Know the benefits of and how to improve CV exercise and fitness
Know the benefits of muscular fitness …show more content…
and know what they do.
Know a brief description of each substance and whether they are man made or natural.
Know 3 toxic components of tobacco, their desriptions, and adverse effects
Know the diseases associated with tobacco use.
Know how alcohol is eliminated from the body
Know what factors affect blood alcohol concentration
What major organ is affected by excessive alcohol use?
Know the different alcohol infractions i.e. MIP, PI, DUI, DWI etc.
Know the different drinking/driving violations
Define alcohol poisoning, signs and symptoms, and treatment.
Define alcoholism and who is at risk.
Define binge drinking
Know the diseases associated with alcohol abuse and who is at risk
Chapter 7- Sexuality
Define STI
What to know about STI’s – types, methods of transmission, cure v. no cure, which ones are fatal, stages of progression, symptomatic/asymptomatic, vaccine or no vaccine available.
Know how to protect one’s self from STI and unplanned pregnancy
Know which STIS’s are most prevalent on TAMU campus and in society as a whole
Know the different types of birth control and their effectiveness
Know the #1 guarenteed way to prevent pregnancy or