Solomon Yusupov 11/29/14 Final Project
Lower body & trunk exercise routine intended to improve muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.
Exercise 1: Back squats
1) Squats are the king of all leg exercises which turn boys to men and girls to women, besides the bias reasoning of why I chose this as my number one leg exercise, squats are one of the best exercises to strengthen the lower-body while also strengthening the postural muscles holding that barbell up while squatting up and down in a straight line. This reason alone should be sufficient in putting this as the number one exercise on this list, but for arguments sake, another reason is because squats directly strengthen the lower-body and the trunk’s core muscles which limit the risk of injury when performing other exercises or participating in sports such as basketball or football. Getting stronger with a full range of motion back-squat with proper technique also increases the stability of the lower back and trunk muscles as well as the knee joints, with that being said if done correctly squats are one of the best overall exercises that should be done by any lifter just as long as there are no pre-existing injuries in the way of doing a correct squat.
2) Joints involved: Hip and Knee
Bones involved in Hip joint: Pelvic bone and Femur bones
Bones involved in the Knee joint: Femur, patella, tibia, fibula
3) Extension of the hip and knee joint occur in the concentric phase of this exercise.
4) Sagittal plane and frontal axis are the planes of motion and axis of rotation for the extension of the hip and knee joint in this exercise.
5) The agonist muscle groups for the hip extensors are the Gluteus Maximus, biceps Femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. The antagonistic muscle groups for the hip extensors all of the hip flexors: Illiopsoas, Rectus Femoris, Sartorius, Tensor Fascia Latae, Pectineus and Gracilis. The agonist muscle groups