I will be discussing my viewpoint on the differences in the relationship in both the film and online databases throughout this research paper. Merlin was first introduced to the film when Arthur and his knights were transferring the king through the woods where they were attacked by Merlin and his Woads. The battle ended with the Woads failing to capture the king and Arthur and his knights successfully escaping. Later in the film the viewers got to see the first encounter between Merlin and Arthur with a flashback scene to when Merlin attacked the village Arthur lived in and killed his mother. Arthur didn’t want anything to do with Merlin and his men at the time, but later on benefitted from his
I will be discussing my viewpoint on the differences in the relationship in both the film and online databases throughout this research paper. Merlin was first introduced to the film when Arthur and his knights were transferring the king through the woods where they were attacked by Merlin and his Woads. The battle ended with the Woads failing to capture the king and Arthur and his knights successfully escaping. Later in the film the viewers got to see the first encounter between Merlin and Arthur with a flashback scene to when Merlin attacked the village Arthur lived in and killed his mother. Arthur didn’t want anything to do with Merlin and his men at the time, but later on benefitted from his