The movie King David starring Richard Gere is based on the story of King David found in 1 and 2 Samuel in the Bible. Even though the movie is just as entertaining as the biblical version, there are some differences in the Hollywood depiction. Throughout the movie the people of Israel carried the Star of David which did not come about until centuries after the biblical story was written. In 1 Samuel 9:2 it is written, “He had a son named Saul, an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites – a head taller than all of the other Israelites.” In King David the movie Saul was average, meaning he was not a head taller then all of the other Israelites. Another difference concerning Saul is that in the movie Saul thought he wrestled with a man all night until morning but his son Jonathon tells him it was a dream. In the Bible it says, “Now the spirit of the Lord had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him.” 1 Samuel 16:14. The biblical story also says that the son of Jesse of Bethlehem, David, knows how to play the harp. In the movie Saul sends for David and has him play the harp as well as sing for him in order to calm the evil spirits.
In the movie Goliath was asleep under a tree while another Philistine is challenging the Israelites to fight him. In 1 Samuel 17:10 Goliath shouts out, “This day I defy the ranks of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.” In the bible it says Goliath did this for forty days every morning and evening, in the movie it was only one day. The movie portrays David as being very brave and courageous because he goes out to fight Goliath as soon as the challenge is issued. In the Bible he talks to his brothers first and to King Saul and tells him that he will go fight Goliath. The biblical story says that David chose five smooth stones from the stream and put them in his pouch and with his sling in hand approached Goliath. The movie shows David stumbling and fumbling