The Ted Talk by Julian Treasures’ reflected his views on successfully speaking to engage an audience to listen and understand. To build credibility he spoke confidently about his past Ted Talk speeches and visually showed the audience his knowledge when becoming inclusively vocal. He also included images for visual representation and an acronym which showed his knowledge and research on the topic. He used Pathos methods to engage his audience by adding humour into his speech and incorporating audience participation when he presented his vocal practice. This proved to be extremely evident as the audience became more interested and positive after participating.…
An example of the establishment of his credibility or trust is by personal branding as a Navy SEAL, stating, “I have been a Navy SEAL for 36 years. But it all began when I left UT for Basic SEAL training in Coronado, California”(10), he then uses vivid language and stories to draw the audience in more to the speech giving them details of how hard the SEAL training was, “Basic SEAL training is six months of long torturous runs in the soft sand, midnight swims in the cold water off San Diego, obstacles courses, unending calisthenics, days without sleep and always being cold, wet and miserable”(10). At the beginning of the speech there is some humor used to try and draw the audience in, but the overall essence of the speech is formal.…
COMM 204: Public Speaking - Spring 2013 Instructor: Dr. Erica Watson-Currie Office Hours: MWF 9:00 to 9:50 and 12:00* to 12:30, by appointment Sections: 20382R - MWF 10:00 to 10:50 am 20383R - MWF 11:00 to 11:50 am COURSE DESCRIPTION: Principles and practice of effective oral communication; analysis of the speaking-listening process; selection and organization of materials for a variety of speaking situations; and use of new communication technologies in formal presentations. COURSE OBJECTIVES: ‣ To develop competence, ease, and confidence in delivering brief impromptu messages. ‣ To demonstrate communicative expertise through rhetorical analysis and criticism. ‣ To develop proficiency in constructing and delivering planned informative, and persuasive speeches. ‣ To develop skills in creating and using a variety of visual aids. ‣ To learn about strategic challenges and ethical requirements faced by speakers across a variety of rhetorical situations. REQUIRED TEXT: Nelson, P., Titsworth, S., & Pearson, J. (2011). iSpeak: Public speaking for contemporary life. NewYork: McGraw Hill. Other readings &/or recordings may be assigned during the semester by the instructor. RECOMMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: ‣ APA Style Manual (6th Edition) – All papers and outlines for this class must be submitted in proper APA style, including citations and bibliographies. Library handouts and/or websites may be sufficient. ‣ 4x6 index cards ADA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: Any student requesting academic accommodation based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to your instructor (or TA) as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is 213-740-0776. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY IS IMPORTANT! The Annenberg School for…
As she went on one point that jumped out to me was her concept of P.I.E. Before hearing her bring that acronym up I had never heard it before. P.I.E stands for performance, image, and exposure. Performance would be how effective you are in your position. Image is what they think of you. In addition to image, she said in the first 3 to 5 seconds a person is already forming their opinion about you through simple things like the way you dress, the people you hang around, or even the music you listen to. Finally she said exposure meaning that one would have to network strategically. Just about everyday it is reinforced that this is a…
Levi Roots uses spoken language devices to persuade the dragons to invest in his product. He uses a variety of spoken language techniques such as pausing, overlapping, turn taking and accent in order to persuade the dragons. The dragons respond in a warm way, and join in the humour Levi creates throughout the interview; this suggests that Levi root was successful in persuading the dragons. His use of language also sets mood and tone in different situations throughout the interview.…
You work as a technical support manager for a satellite television company. As part of a company-sponsored tuition reimbursement program, you are also attending college courses part time and pursuing a degree in communications. Your Human Resources representative asks you to give a presentation to a group of people at an upcoming career fair. The HR manager is interested in you helping motivate potential applicants to apply for part-time positions that pay a relatively low hourly wage and include only limited benefits. This is exactly the type of position you accepted when you first started with the company. The job fair will be held in a part of the city with a relatively low unemployment rate. The people attending are likely to come from middle- to upper middle-class families. The people who attend the career fair from upper middle-class families are used to getting what they want without too much effort; therefore, they may not be able to relate directly to the persistence you showed to work your way from a part-time low-paying position into a higher-paying one that includes benefits. The ones from middle-class families may relate more to your personal story. You can’t gather all the characteristics of all the career fair attendees in advance, but you do…
How is it justified in anyway that we all spend money on luxury goods for ourselves at the cost of other lives? If we can prevent something bad from happening at a comparatively small cost to ourselves, we should indeed do so and do have a responsibility on situations like this. Singer states that we ought to prevent death and suffering from lack of food, shelter and medical care. As many may think that they have nothing to do with this, they clearly do. Many individuals would rather spend money on a shirt that they do not need while there are many who are dying of hunger at a speeding rate. How do these things go unnoticed? In this society today, most feel as if they have to keep up to “fit in”, by doing so, they think they should make every purchase that they see…
A pebble effect, starting from the middle and moving out. The central Bird Song Solo was the first section choreographed and then it mirrors as it grows (except no second diagonal)…
Copyright: 2005 Publisher: Blackwell Publishing, Incor... ISBN: 9781405117562 New: $109.95 Used: $82.50 New Rental: N/A Used Rental: $38.48 Required Oral Communications BNDL: ADV BK ESSENTIALS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING 5th ... Author: Hamilton Edition: 5th…
* I use a lot of hand gestures to help get my point across during the presentation…
Speaking with expression with a clear voice, using pitch, volume and intonation to support meaning.…
His voice straight-to-the-point, which caught me off-guard since his voice was usually calm and relaxed.…
Comparing to other presenters, I realised that I am able to present calmly, handling presenters’ question appropriately and keeping my presentation in time.…
The opening paragraph of Sing, Unburied, Sing, reveals the back bone of the novel and it gives readers an insightful manner in how the rest of the novel will progress with the turn of every page. Jojo’s bold claim about death in the first lines, makes death a prominent theme that the characters cannot escape from and it becomes an important sustenance to each of them as they face their personal demons that plague them constantly throughout the novel. The reoccurring theme of death presents a larger and deeper subject matter that goes beyond the traumatization of losing a loved one to death. The first paragraph in addition gives readers a clear picture of Jojo as a character.…
In order for public speaking to become a skill, there are a few areas in which I need to improve to make it a suitable strength. Public speaking is not a weakness for me but I would like to transform it into one of my strengths. During my two minute presentation, I found that in order to do this I need to improve my ability to perform long speeches without hesitation, maintain eye contact, and be energetic in front of an audience showing more overview what topic I am discussing.…