“Fujitsu is a safe pair of hands for us to rely on. It delivers what it promises when we need it and within budget.”
Boet Kreiken - Chief Information Officer (CIO), KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Customer’s Challenge KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is an international airline that transports nearly 22 million passengers and 620,000 tons of cargo to more than 250 destinations worldwide every year. KLM merged with Air France in 2004 to form the largest airline group in the world by operating revenues. KLM’s strategic goal is profitable and sustainable growth, which is being achieved through the ongoing development of its core activities in the most attractive markets and ongoing reductions in costs. So, at the beginning of the millennium, KLM began to pursue a policy of standardising and outsourcing its office automation operations across the organisation. In so doing, KLM aimed to make its desktop environment much more structured and efficient, resulting in lower costs and fewer interruptions in the workplace. Boet Kreiken, Chief Information Officer (CIO), KLM, explains, “Outsourcing our IT management operations fitted in well with the KLM’s strategy of focusing solely on its core business. As KLM had already been working closely with Fujitsu for around 10 years on a variety of service-oriented activities an initial outsourcing agreement between KLM Information Services – our automation organisation – and Fujitsu was signed in summer 2000.” Fujitsu Solution Under the initial outsourcing contract, KLM undertook to use the services of at least 30 specialists from Fujitsu to manage its workstations over a two-year period. Han Jansen, DSM Product Management, KLM, continues, “The collaboration proved very successful and just a few months later we approached Fujitsu again, this time asking if they would take over responsibility for the management of all of KLM Benelux’s office automation operations in Hoofddorp.” The implementation and operation