Systematic Theology I
Knowing God The study of God has been taken place for many centuries. There have been various well known theologians that have spent a life time studying theology. What is theology? Theology is the study of God. It has been a desire for many Christians to know God. It is a true fact that no one will ever know God fully. “No one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him” (Matt. 11:27; see also I cor. 2: 19-16.”(Grenz, 2000 pg 49). People may not know God in full, but He does want us to know of His grace, love, and salvation, that He has given to all people. It is also important to know and understand how the doctrine of revelation reveals the issue of knowing God, as well as knowing what are the sources of knowledge? It’s challenges, strength as well as the weakness of General revelation. Revelation is always the primary basis for theological knowledge which is the knowledge about the one and only God. The doctrine of revelation reveals the issue of knowing God; such as wondering where is God, who is he and where do we find God. Just knowing God were some of the issues theologians were researching and studying so man could have an understanding to these issues. It is theology that helps bring forth theological doctrine of God’s revelation. There are two revelations defined differently, according to study that are general revelation and special revelation. They are slightly defined differently but they both are the source to understanding how to know God, as well as what is God’s purpose of revelation, and why did God want to reveal himself to mankind. According to theologians, God want us to know him so he can establish a relationship with people. The study of revelation does give a healthy perspective. I would say according to study, finding God in nature that would include science as well as rational endeavors