This report is made based on the topic “Knowledge Gap between Generations Based on Media Exposure.” What is knowledge gap? It was first introduced by 3 researchers of University of Minnesota that is Phillip J. Tichenor, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, George A. Donohue, Professor of Sociology and Clarice, and N. Olien, Instructor in Sociology in 1970. Based on the title of the research, it can be defined as the gap of the information obtained by exposed media for the past generation and the generation nowadays. The objective of this research is to identify kinds of knowledge gap that the society faced and the reasons why did knowledge gap occur.
The Forms of Knowledge Gap
Base on the research that has been made by researchers from the past, the knowledge gap that base on media exposure could be differentiating into few different forms which include politics, and advertising. There are knowledge gap in the form of politics between generations based on the mass media. The public has getting become more dependent to mass media to obtain the political information as a channel to communicate for the political issues. At the past, people used to depend on printed medium such as magazines, newspaper or even flyers and also radio to collect and analyses the information about the politics. But the mass medium that used at the past is easily controlled by the government and could be used as a pipeline to spread the propaganda among the citizens to convey their messages no matter it is right or wrong. For examples, Malaysia is a democratic country, so there will be elections every few years to select the leaders and right to guide the citizens. In order to keep their power, they would spread propaganda through the mass medium to promote their partisan so that the citizens will vote for them at the next election as they can control the mass medium those days easily. As for the generation today, people would not be affected