1. In module 1A: Learning Objectives and Pacing Guide we learned the basics of Psychology and the uses we use it for. As in 1A Assignment: Outrageous Celebrity we showed our knowledge of the perspectives that we learned that include, sociocultural, biological, psychodynamic, behavioral and the cognitive perspective, by analyzing an outrageous celebrity's behavior and stating how each perspectives plays a role in the situation. In 1A lesson 3 Assignment Ethics we did several activities to develop an understanding of the APA guidelines for the ethical research, then after that we were given Ethics scenarios provided and had to be determined if they are ethical based on the standards set forth by the APA.
2. In module 1B: Research Methods and Evaluation we learned the importance of statistics in psychology and examined different statistics, psychology perspectives, research methods and ethics, and the different types of psychologists in the field. In 1B.1 Assignment 1- Experimental Method Activity we were given two scenarios in which we had to identify specific components for each scenario. These components include independent variable, dependent variable, control group, experimental group and hypothesis. In 1B: Lesson 21 Assignment 1 was a task given to show our knowledge on the concepts of Naturalistic Observation and Case study. With each, we had to define the meaning of the word and answer questions pertaining to that subject.
3. In module 2A: Neurobiology we learned how the body communicates internally. We learned about neurons, the central nervous system, the brain, hormones and sensations. In 2A: Assignment 2 was a concept that used a real world situation that mad you analyze the way in which the people involved behave according to the biological perspective. In 2A Lesson 2 Practice Assignment was a concept that was used to practice to see if you knew how the brain worked. The assignment required you to explain you used certain brain structures such as the motor cortex, amygdala, occipital lobe, medulla, and the frontal lobe.
4. In the module 2B: Biological Psychology we learned to explore the nature versus nurture debate and analyze the development of the biological perspective. In 2B: Lesson 2 Assignment we watched a video program on how biology impacts our behavior and had to answer certain question following the video. In 2B Lesson 1 Assignment we had to show our knowledge pertaining to the nature versus nurture debate in which we had to take 10 personal traits about ourselves and explain whether it’s a nature or a nurture trait and explain where we got it from.
5. In module 3A: Theories and Cognition we learned the theories about learning and using the cognitive perspective. Then compared this new information with the biological perspective from the unit before. In 3A. 2 Assignment 2 we were to choose two of the illusions that we learned, such as the Muller-Lyer Illusion and the Ponzo illusion. In 3A Lesson 2 Assignment 1 was a concept where we had to use Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and apply it a segment on why do people join gangs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs consists of five levels which are self-actualization, esteem, love or belonging, safety and psychological.