Ladder has a profound meaning behind the print. The man within the pit is a meager and impoverished being who belongs to the lowest class of where he comes from; he is happy to receive a comfort that many well-off people take for granted. Because he is too busy fighting to survive, he can not advance himself further like those more privileged; however, it can also be inferred that this man comes from a land where rights and liberties that Americans take for granted …show more content…
He attempts to demonstrate the evils of the world through his art. In this example, he points out how government restricts the ability of citizens to be as productive as potentially possible. Pawel exaggerates the idea that the governing body takes from the people and does not properly compensate them with objects such as rights, public services, or infrastructure. The country continues to take as the people continue to give; changes do not take place. Although people are not happy, the powerful force holding them cannot be usurped; people may continue to disagree with the government, but a revolution will not occur and the man will stay next to his fire forever, earning little satisfaction while still feeling a sense of