The language techniques that Skrzynecki uses in this poem are used to great effect and create a level of connection between the reader and Skrzynecki’s and how his life was. Some of the techniques used are:
Similies: A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another of a different kind, as an illustration or ornament, the effect that a simile has in a poem is that it paints a picture in our minds as a simile is a descriptive set of words e.g. “And smoked like a dozen Puffing Billies”
Personification: A figure of speech that gives human qualities to abstract ideas, animals, and inanimate objects. It affects the reader by creating empathy, and allows the reader to associate with the poem and the message in it e.g. “In its china blue coat”
Negative connotation: A word or phrase that has a negative or disliked association connected to it, most commonly due to social use or misconceptions of a word or its