Kurt Vonnegut is a very unique writer and uses his writing skills to give a perspective never seen before. The way he uses his vision through the war tells a complementary story of his actions and how the battle went. Focused as in twine the story gives an outlook of the war in a gruesome way and and unexpected lapses. Kurt criticized the battle in various ways to give us a deception on what happen in ironic examples throughout the passage. True or not, slaughterhouse is an inside look on how it changed Kurt life and the people around him.
In the war Kurt is detained and civilised under the ground in the slaughterhouse by the opposition. The quest to integration leads the Guard to find miserable ways to leak information out …show more content…
Losing people you known and grown with an irreplaceable bond can tragically change the way your perception of life is. Kurt once said, “Now, when I myself hear that somebody is dead, I simply shrug”(52). How sad is it to see somebody transform into an uncharted soldier in the war with lost hopes and feelings to the world. War is evil and it unravels the aspect to life and society. Life of a prisoner is like grasping the deeps of hell and feeling untamed afflicted pain to one. The men that proceed war are remarkably brave and endure life changing events that last a lifetime. Battle wounds can heal, Getting mentally scared is a endless amou nt of suffrage never known when it will leave the mind. “He knew a thing or two about gore. Billy after all, had contemplated torture and hideous wounds”(38) Kurt said. Billy was a man of war, who took the great sacrifice for his brother and country, a man of honor. All these events compliment how the evil of the war Kurt perceived as. Reading a novel of war can give you an idea of the battle, living it can shift the attitude and extort the mind in anonymous ways. Kurt always wanted to write about his presence in the field, but it wasn't that easy. He had to find ways to put a story around the facts and give the reader in in depth look to construct his meaning of the battle and connect with us on his views about