mean you need to be mean and not invite us to your game.” She still doesn't fight back she aculey invites them to the game. Yet after all that she doesn't fight back or show that she’s sad. This show that she is a good role model. The last reason Kurta is a good role model is Kuta created a game even know she only has two arms and two legs.
She called it one ball. She got the idea the from play a similar on the beach. In the story it began with nothing much just four people that played the game.but, It grew slowly but out of nowhere the most popular kids started play and it blew up and became the most popular sport in the school. Then it got so big that the had a tournaments. Though Kurta was never the best and there team lost the crowd still cheered louder for her team especially her parent’s. That's the final reason on how Kurta is a good role
All in All her parents must have believed in her that she could do great things. We need role models in are life. People to look up to and to look up and follow. Not all people are good leaders but people still look up to them. The good leaders make a difference and change the world for the better.