In the beginning, Cassia followed all the rules, never committed any kind of crime or went out of her way to do something wrong. Now Cassia is breaking all kinds of rules, she’s learning to write, loving someone who’s not her match, reading forbidden poems. She may have even been caught committing an infraction based on page 242 where she gets called from class. Cassia is no longer the teacher’s pet good girl she breaks rules and follows her heart no matter what. …show more content…
At the beginning of the section Cassia, Xander and Em are all participating in planting flowers mostly for the ice cream.
She remembers how her dad bent the rules and picked a flower for her mother showing how much they love each other. Em is revealed as having an anxiety disorder when she has an anxiety attack at the concert hall. Em gets her match and Cassia finds that her parent's match isn’t perfect after all her father doesn’t tell her mother everything. Ky gives Cassia a napkin with writing and picture’s she holds onto it for awhile before she knows she has to let it go. Ky is teaching her how to write in cursive, Officials went house to house collecting artifacts. When Xander came to save hers Cassia knew she wouldn't be able to since hers is registered instead she choose to save Ky’s artifact. Cassia realizes Ky is much smarter than he claims to be because Xander noticed how effortlessly he lost games when he could win. When Cassia is in her class there’s an announcement stating that Cassisa has committed an infraction and the Official that talked to her about her broken chip arrived to speak with her
The overwhelming police force has grown stronger. After Cassia’s father committed an infraction by breaking his father’s DNA sample she realizes just how much they watch her. How officials control everyone’s lives, she realizes their limited and complete lack of individual freedom even though officials try to act like they have some. A new dystopian feature that recently came to play is the division between people. You really start to understand how divided everyone is when Ky talks about his parents and the outer provinces.
Cassia appears to be at stage three of the hero’s journey. We went through status quo and call to adventure. She got her assistance from Ky someone far wiser and smarter since he’s experienced more. Now she’s on departure, she’s starting to make choices that will affect her in the future she’s taking off from her old life. She’s trying to break free from the government's grasp and trying to figure out who she really wants to be with.