M & W 5:40pm to 9:00 pm Chapter 3 Infancy
Module 3.1 Physical Development in Infancy
L01,L02 & L03
1. The Cephalocaudal principle states that growth begins with the head and proceeds down to the rest of the body; the proximodistal principle states that development proceeds from the center of the body outward.
2. The process of synaptic pruning allows established neurons to build stronger networks and reduces unnecessary neurons during the first 2 years of life. True
3. Although brain development is largely genetically predetermined, it is also susceptible to environmental experiences; the ability of the brain to be modifiable by the environment is called: Plasticity.
L04 & L05
1. Behavior becomes integrated through …show more content…
1. Due to the sudden changes taking place during this stage, it is not uncommon in middle school to see children of the same age who are 6 to 7 inches apart in height. True
2. Which of the following is not a long term outcome associated with childhood obesity? Cognitive deficits
L02 & L03
1. One explanation for the advance in fine motor skills during middle school involves the increase in the amount of myelin in the brain.
2. When it comes to school age children and injuries associated with accident, which of the following statement is true: there is not relationship between gender and the prevalence of injures associated with accident
1. Stuttering the most common speech impairment, involves as substantial disruption in the rhythm and fluency of speech.
2. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) according to American academy of pediatric is mark my all of the following symptoms except: a tendency to lie
Module 5.2 Cognitive development in middle childhood.
L05,L06 & L07
1. Which of the following best describes Piaget’s approach to cognitive development in middle childhood? Piaget’s approach provided totally accurate descriptions of young children’s cognitive