La Boca del Lobo is a Peruvian film directed by Francisco Lombardi. This film was released in 1988 where it is based on real events happening between 1980 and 1983 in Peru these events are about forces of order against the subversive group Sendero Luminoso. This film also contains information about life experiences of the Peruvian community in relationship with the arrival of the military group. On the other side Nacho Libre is a Mexican American film that is directed and written by Jared Hess where it contains information about the life of a young priest named Ignacio who later becomes “Nacho” to fight for a better life for the
La Boca del Lobo is a Peruvian film directed by Francisco Lombardi. This film was released in 1988 where it is based on real events happening between 1980 and 1983 in Peru these events are about forces of order against the subversive group Sendero Luminoso. This film also contains information about life experiences of the Peruvian community in relationship with the arrival of the military group. On the other side Nacho Libre is a Mexican American film that is directed and written by Jared Hess where it contains information about the life of a young priest named Ignacio who later becomes “Nacho” to fight for a better life for the