The film brings together a lot of mis-en-scene …show more content…
To juxtapose back to reality, since Vidal had decided to starve out the rebels by keeping all available food and medicine locked up in the mill's storeroom. Mercedes and Dr. Ferreiro are performing a task like Ofelia by secretly aiding the group of rebels hiding in the woods and endangering themselves in the process, because they must smuggle the goods silently in the middle of the night. Both are all too aware of the violence Vidal or the Pale Man inflicts upon those who disobey them.
The violence of the real world appears fully-shaped in the Pale Man, which juxtaposes Vidal's dining room and the “facelessness” of fascism. Del Toro designed the Pale Man like an old man who lost a lot of weight. It was like a concentration camp feeling, with shoes piled up in corner; this horrifying monster has all this food in front of it, but only eats innocent