Item 1. Roll call of Directors by Secretary/General Manager, Michael Gualtieri.
PRESENT: Directors Baroldi, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson
ABSENT: Director Cooke Staff members and others present.
Item 2. Staff: Michael Gualtieri, Secretary/General Manager. Others present: Michael Silander, legal counsel, Lemieux & O’Neill, Fabiola Huerta, Assistant to the City Manager, Stephen Blagden and John Steele, resident.
Item 3. Public Comments: Stephen Blagden discussed the board packet being posted to the web page, leak on El Cajonita, warrant list, Subtropic pipeline project, and smart meters. …show more content…
John Steele discussed the rain.
Item 4.a. Minutes of Regular Board meeting of December 13, 2016. After discussion, there was a motion by Director McVicar and seconded by Director Baroldi to approve the minutes with minor changes. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Directors Baroldi, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Director Cooke (Director Cooke arrived at 4:18 pm)
Item 4.b. Financial Statements for November 2016. The financial statements were removed from the consent items. After discussion, there was a motion by Director
McVicar and seconded by Director Wilson to approve the financial statements. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Directors Baroldi, Cooke, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson
NOES: None
Item 5. Approval of warrants and authorization of signatures as per the warrant list. After discussion, there was a motion made by Director Cooke and seconded by Director Wilson that the warrant numbers 40937 through 40998 be approved and signatures be authorized. Warrants 40989 was voided. The vote was as follows: AYES: Directors Cooke, Baroldi, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson
NOES: None
Item 6.c. District Activities. Director McVicar suggested discussing the item regarding changing the District election to the general election. The General Manager informed that per the statue the District may have to move the election and the board requested that the general manager gather more information to discuss at the next board meeting. Fabiola Huerta, Assistant to the City Manager requested to schedule a meeting with the general manager to discuss this item further.
Item 6. a. Discuss and Action – Nomination of Directors to Represent the Water
Purveyors on Central Basin Municipal Water District. After discussion, there was a motion made by Director Cooke and seconded by Director McVicar to nominate the Michael
Gualtieri, General Manager. The vote was as follows:
AYES: Directors Cooke, Baroldi, McVicar, Perumean and Wilson
NOES: None
Item 6.b.
Discuss and Action – Purchase of Vehicles to Replace Units 2 and 3.
. This item was continued till the next scheduled board meeting on February 14, 2017. Item 6.a. Update on District Activities. The General Manager stated that the pipeline project will start the week of January 16, 2017. Property owners at 1763 Subtropic Drive have decided not proceed with the installation of the pipeline and a change order has been issued to eliminate this portion of the project. Badger meter is performing a survey of satellites to see options related to AMR or AMI meters and he should have more information for the February board meeting. The general discussed the leak on El Cajonita and also discussed emergency repairs and cost. Lastly, the General Manager discussed the water production in December 2016.
Item 7. Closed Session. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Discussion of potential initiation of and/or exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9. Two cases. Direction given to staff. No action was taken.
Item 8. Report of Individual Directors.
Item 9. There being no further business to come before the Board, motion was made by Director Perumean and seconded by Director McVicar that the meeting be adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The vote was as follows: