Lab 1.
Heart Rate, Physical Fitness, and the Scientific Method
Prelab Assignment Before coming to lab read carefully the following pages on the scientific method and then answer the prelab questions at the end of this lab handout. Be prepared to discuss and/or hand in your responses to the prelab questions at the start of lab. Introduction Biology is a dynamic field of study whose aim is to unravel the mysteries of life itself. Throughout history, humans have been curious about the world around them. Through the millennia people have observed the natural world and have asked, “why?” Those that have advanced our biological knowledge the most, whether the great scientists of the centuries before us, …show more content…
Although many hypotheses may be tested by making observations (e.g. All of the following were discovered through careful observation: Watson and Crick’s determination of DNA’s double helix structure, Robert Hooke’s Cell Theory, and Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection), we will test most of our hypotheses in lab by conducting experiments. An experiment involves defining variables, designing a procedure, and determining controls to be used as the experiment proceeds. In any experiment there are three kinds of variables. Independent variable: The independent variable is the single condition (variable) that is manipulated to see what impact it has on the dependent variable. The independent variable is the factor that causes the dependent variable to change. E.g. the temperatures the trees are exposed to is the independent variable in the vine maple example. The independent variable is the factor (i.e. experimental condition) you manipulate and test in an experiment. The value of the independent variable is known as the level of treatment—e.g. the specific temperature(s) the trees are exposed to and for how long. A great challenge when designing an experiment is to be certain that only one independent variable is …show more content…
The tables and graphs are studied to see if the data supports or refutes the hypothesis. If the hypothesis has been falsified, alternate hypotheses should be suggested and tested. If the hypothesis is supported, the investigator suggests additional experiments to test and/or strengthen the hypothesis. After a hypothesis has been thoroughly tested and the investigator is satisfied of the validity of the results obtained, he/she will communicate the results to other scientists. Preliminary results may be presented within a laboratory research group and at scientific meetings where the findings can be discussed. Ultimately, the completed project is presented in the form a of a scientific paper that is reviewed by scientists within the field, and then published in a scientific journal. Other scientists around the world will scrutinize the ideas, procedures, results, analysis, and conclusions. Because of this, science is self-correcting, meaning that errors that may occur are usually discovered within the scientific community. Scientific communication, whether written or verbal, is essential to the advancement of scientific knowledge. During this laboratory course and in lecture, you will be asked to present and interpret your results before your group and/or the entire class. Moreover, you will write