What was the baseline heart rate for the frog?
Ans: 59-63 bpm
2. Which wave is larger, the one for atrial constriction or the one for ventricular contraction? Why
Ans: Ventricular. It shows the strength of the ventricle as it pumps blood, and it is a thicker muscle to pump stronger as it contracts
3. At what time during the contraction cycle was it possible to induce an extrasystole?
Ans: The time during the relaxation part of cardiac cycle.
4. By clicking the multiple stimulus bottom and delivering 20 stimuli/ sec, were you able to achieve tetanus? Why or why not?
Ans: No, because of the long absolute refractory period, it cannot be tetanized by multiple stimuli.
5. What happen to the heart rate with vagal stimulation?
Ans: HR slows and eventually stops during vagal stimulation
6. What happen during vagal escape?
Ans: HR increases gradually.
7. List the frog heart rate for the following conditions:
Ans: 49 Bpm with 5 C Ringer’s solution.
59 Bpm with 32 C Ringer’s solution.
8. Describe the effect of tem on heart rate
Ans: A decrease in temp causes a decline in HR; increasing the temp increases the HR, therefore being a direct relationship between the two.
9. Describe this effect match your prediction? Explain
Ans: Yes, as temperature increases so does HR as in a fever, same affect with cold; temp drops, so does HR.
10. What was the heart rate after treatment with pilocarpine?
Ans: 44 bpm with pilocarpine.
11. Did this effect match your prediction? Explain.
Ans: Yes, pilocarpine is a direct acting cholinergic agonist that decreases the HR.
12. What was the heart rate after treatment with atropine
Ans: 70 Bpm with atropine.
13. Are the effects of pilocarpine and atropine the same or opposite?
Ans: Opposite
14. Same question with epinephrine?
Ans: 80 Bpm with epinephrine.
15. Did this effect prediction?