Torrey Cogdell
July 30, 2013
Period 5, Lisa Harris
Homeostasis Lab Report
This experiment was conducted to determine how homeostasis maintains the bodies balance after doing a workout. Homeostasis is the maintaining of a balanced condition in the body despite changing external conditions or demands on the body. In this lab the participant was to execute an exercise to determine if homeostasis would maintain an stable heart beat and breathing rate.
There was only a few materials used in this lab:
-Exercise participant
-Pulse taker (person)
-Breathing recorder (person)
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Determine who will be the exercising participant and what exercise.
Take a control of the heart rate. So, the pulse taker will count the number of beats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to get the bpm.
Take a control of the breathing rate. So, the breathing recorder will counts how many times the participant breaths in 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to get the number of breaths per minute.
Have the participant exercise for 30 second s and then count for the bpm and number of breaths per minute for another 15 seconds and then multiply both by 4 to get it per minute.
Repeat step 4 for 60 seconds and 90 seconds with 4 minute rest in between.
While conducting this lab there was many noticeable things about the participants body. At first when the participant was exercising for 30 seconds and stopped her heart rate didn’t speed up that much due to the fact that it was for a short period of time and was the first try. Next, it was noticeable that after 60 seconds the participant was a little tired and her pulse was moving much faster than before. At 90 seconds the participant was out of breath and the heart rate jumped up. So, a clear observation was that as the time of the exercise was lengthened the heart rate and number of breaths increased as well.
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