Materials and Methods
Part 1: Density of an Unknown Solid 1. We first were asked from our laboratory instructor to attain an unknown solid and were asked to note down the number of the solid. 2. Determine the mass of the unknown solid to the nearest 0.001 g and record it in the data table in the back of the laboratory workbook. 3. Then we determined the volume of the unknown solid by water displacement. We first filled a 100mL graduated cylinder about 1/3 of the way with water and we recorded the volume to the nearest 0.1mL. We carefully slid the unknown solid into the cylinder with water. We then recorded the new volume and subtracted the two recordings equaling the volume of the unknown. 4. We then calculate the density by dividing the mass by the volume. 5. We then remove the metal cylinder, dry it and repeat to get the other two densities. Then record the measurements and density for each trial and then average the densities.
Part 2: Calibration of a Buret 1. Get 4 small beakers, clean and dry them, then record the mass of each. 2. Get & Fill the buret past the zero mark. 3. Measure 10, 15,20,25 mL of water from the Buret separately into the four small beakers. 4. Measure and record the combined mass of the beaker and the water 5. Then we determined the actual volume of water by using the mass of water in the beaker, table densities, and the equation: volume equals mass over density. 6. We then calculated and recorded the absolute error and percent error for each volume.
Part 3: Calibration of Pipet 1. Obtained a beaker and measures its mass. 2. Draw a sample of water into the pipet above the calibration