Introduction: In today’s lab we learned how natural selection and survival of the fitness took place in Darwin theory by testing it out with four different utensils which were Spoon, Fork, chopstick, and clothespin which represent the four different types of bird beaks. Our goal was to see which one utensil ( bird beak) would outcome the other four utensil ( bird beak) by being able to survive with the limit amount of food, the environmental chances, and see who were going to come out with the highest fittest. Each type utensil (bird beak) was place on a table (environment) with a food but as they keep on reproducing the environment keep on changing meaning they went form grabbing the mixed food from the table to grabbing Jelly-beans from table to grabbing jelly-beans from the carpet to grabbing popcorn for the carpet making it hard for some utensil (bird beak) to grab the food and surviving which eventually caused them to die. Not only did the environment change but the food source also chance. It went form mixed food to jelly beans and popcorn but as the food change and the amount of food got limited causing the non-fitness to die of hungry and those how had great fitness to survive.
Methods: The methods we used as a class was the following: First we wait for the teacher to distribute the utensils: fork, spoon, chopstick, and clothespin (bird beaks) to half of the class. Then we made sure all of the three tablets (environment) had one of each utensil (bird beak). After we scatter the mixed food on the table making it fair for the utensil (bird beak) to be able to reach out and grab food; the rest of the class got to be either a judge or a watcher meaning they just watched the whole process from the side. We also had someone keep track of the time. Once everyone was ready, time was called and everyone began to grab the food with the utensil they were given using their non-dominant hand and placed the food inside a counter