Problem: Based on the color of the indicator, which type of organic compound will be found in each type of food?
Hypothesis: If Benedict solution is added to honey, then it will turn. If Biuret solution is added to egg whites, then it will turn. If Benedict solution is added to corn oil, then it will turn. If Benedict solution is added to glucose, then it will turn. If Benedict solution is added to gelatin, then it will turn. If Benedict solution is added to butter, then it will turn. If iodine is added to starch, then it will turn. If Benedict color is added to apple juice, then it will turn. If any organic substance is tested with distilled water, then nothing will happen.
-12 test tubes
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The two food substances that had the most were butter and starch. The organic compounds that are most common in foods that come from plants are carbohydrates. However, the organic compounds that are most common in animal meat are proteins. The original colors of the food substances did affect our test results. For example, if the substance was yellow, such as apple juice, and we were trying to test for glucose, we could not tell if the substance had changed colors or if it was just yellow because it was apple juice. Distilled water did not contain any of the organic compounds we tested because the purpose of using it was to provide a control group. If distilled water did, in fact, test positive for an organic compound, we could conclude two things. It was either contaminated or it was not actually distilled. The observations in this investigation could help us decide whether or not a substance is safe for a diabetic to eat by testing it. If it tests positive for glucose or starch, it is a carbohydrate and should be avoided. Biuret solution changes color when it reacts with a protein. In your skin, there are a lot of proteins, therefore when Biuret solution comes in contact with skin it turns a brownish-purple