Exp 2: Laboratory Techniques & Measurements|Lab Section: 1411|
Data Tables:
Length Measurements
Object Measured|Length in cm|Length in mm|Length in m|
Warm Temperature Measurements
Hot tap water temperature __44.0 ˚?C 111.2˚?F 317.15_K
Boiling water temperature at 5 min __100_˚?C _212 ˚?F 373.15_K
Cold Temperature Measurements
Cold tap water temperature _19.0_˚?C _66.2_˚?F 292.15 K
Ice water temperature at 5 minutes ___0_˚?C __32 ˚?F 273.15_K
Mass Measurements
Object Measured|Mass in g|Mass in kg|
3 Pennies|7.5|0.0075|
Volume Measurements and Density Measurements with liquids
Mass of empty graduated cylinder __16.7g
Volume of water in graduated cylinder __5.0mL
Mass of graduated cylinder and water __21.6g
Net mass of the water __ 4.9g
Density of the water __0.98g/mL
Percent error ___2.0%
Mass of empty graduated cylinder ____16.7g
Volume of alcohol in graduated cylinder ____5.0mL
Mass of graduated cylinder and alcohol ____20.9g
Net mass of the alcohol ____4.2g
Density of the alcohol __0.84g/mL
Percent error ___7.0%
Volume Measurements and Density Measurements with solids
Mass of magnet ____4.5g
Length of magnet ____0.6cm
Width of magnet ____ 2.50cm
Height of magnet ____0.6cm
Calculated Volume of magnet ____0.9cc
Density of the magnet ___5.0g/cc
Water Displacement and Density Measurements
Mass of magnet ____4.5g
Volume of water in graduated cylinder ____5.0mL
Volume of water and magnet in graduated cylinder ____6.0mL
Volume of magnet (subtract the two volumes) ____1.0mL
Density of the magnet ____4.5g/mL
Mass of bolt ____8.0g
Volume of water in graduated cylinder __7.0mL
Volume of water and