On the first Monday of September every year, America positiveshonours pauses to honor its workers and the contributions they make to our nation's strengths strength and prosperity. The notion thatworks its work is valued, and even noble, dates to the ancients. " Seest thou a man diligent in his labor? " the Book of Proverbs asks, . "He shows stands shall stand before Kings. " In the United States, the belief goes back well over a century.
As a holiday, the Labour Labor Day celebration began at in the 1880s, in New York City . with an effort by labor unions to demonstrate the numbers, strengths strength and spirit of working man workingmenand womanwomen. They organise pyraids organized parades and rallies, and use used the demonstration demonstrations to press for new laws to benefit workers, such as standardising standardizing the eight-hour work dayworkday. The movements movement spread toother cities. In 1984, and in 1894 Congress made it a national holiday , honouring honoring all American workers.
The association with trade and labour labor unions has declined over the years. Today, for most people the holiday represents the last long weekend of summer, a time to relax and spend time with family and friends. There are still p parades and rallies, particular particularly inelection years, and also sporting events and picnics. For many, LabourLabor Day means a " no Labour labor" day, before the change of seasons and the start of a new school yearsyear.
OvertimeOver time, work in US the U. S. itself has changed, . MoreAmericans now are occupied in offices and services than to who toil ona the factory floor. The connection between the holiday and thenations nation's workers remains real, though, as recognition of the source is of so much of American economics America's economicand social achievements.