I think that “ The Dead Butcher” Macbeth could describe him so well in on way, because if the saying The dead butcher and the fiend like Queen was made after the production was Witch it must have been because you would have had to see the play or read it before you made that assumption. So that would mean Macbeth would have been dead and he could have had a job as a butcher for all we know, or he could have done a bit on the side at week ends like a Saturday job. But that is probably very unlikely and an easy way to get out of a piece of coursework. Near the beginning of the script of Macbeth it seems that Macbeth is being loured into doing it. But not just by Lady Macbeth but also by the three witches, he could have been put under a spell and was unable to not kill, Act 1 scene 3 The witches are shouting Hail! And Macbeth is standing their stunned. Shakespeare writes about magic and mystical happenings like in “A Mid summers night dream” with fairies who do evil things to people. In Macbeth Shakespeare talks about a magic root Act I scene 3 83-85 “Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?” So in this case I would say that Macbeth was a killer but he did not know
I think that “ The Dead Butcher” Macbeth could describe him so well in on way, because if the saying The dead butcher and the fiend like Queen was made after the production was Witch it must have been because you would have had to see the play or read it before you made that assumption. So that would mean Macbeth would have been dead and he could have had a job as a butcher for all we know, or he could have done a bit on the side at week ends like a Saturday job. But that is probably very unlikely and an easy way to get out of a piece of coursework. Near the beginning of the script of Macbeth it seems that Macbeth is being loured into doing it. But not just by Lady Macbeth but also by the three witches, he could have been put under a spell and was unable to not kill, Act 1 scene 3 The witches are shouting Hail! And Macbeth is standing their stunned. Shakespeare writes about magic and mystical happenings like in “A Mid summers night dream” with fairies who do evil things to people. In Macbeth Shakespeare talks about a magic root Act I scene 3 83-85 “Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root that takes the reason prisoner?” So in this case I would say that Macbeth was a killer but he did not know