In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, we are introduced to Lady Macbeth which is known to be a significant and powerful symbol in the play. She is depicted as an ambitious character who exhibits true villainy to the forefront of the play. She makes is clear that craving power is the only thing that drives her to commit treason. She also makes it clear that she is willing to do anything to achieve her ultimate goal power.
Malcolm’s opinion of Lady Macbeth as a “tiger’s heart wrapped in woman’s hide” is fitting, because she successfully manipulates her husband into King Duncan, the rightful king, as well as his men. Lady Macbeth shows great amount of evil and hate filled thoughts in …show more content…
Her opinion about murder is that if it helps her to get what she wants, she’s in favour of it. When Macbeth shows signs of him being contingent in his thoughts toward killing the King, Lady Macbeth debilitates him by calling him a pessimist. “When you durst do it/ then you where a man” (1.7.54). The idea of the perfect opportunity to kill the King has presented itself, and Macbeth is backing out, making him less than a man. Then, after ridiculing Macbeth 's manhood, Lady Macbeth declares that she 's more man than he is. Even after both Lady Macbeth and Macbeth successfully kill the king Lady Macbeth feels no guilt “A little water clears us of this deed,/ how easy is it then” (2.2.85-86). She has completely allowed power to take over her sense of morality. Lady Macbeth also regards her husband to be as “too full o 'th 'milk of human kindness” (I.5. 17). ' She is claiming that her husband is very kind and a worthy gentleman. However, once she hears that the three witches foresee that her husband will become King, she tries everything in her power to achieve that