The West Africans and the Lakota creation stories were alike in many ways, for example they both involved the land starting as sand being dropped into an endless ocean, then the sand expanding and creating land, also in both stories both of the creators were not happy with what was happening before, one had the previous world who was not behaving so they destroyed it, the other wasn't happy because they had a boring life. Another thing that was similar was the fact that both humans had guidance from the creators, continuing on, let's talk about the differences.
In the Lakota story there was a past world with other creatures, were as the one had a vast expanse of empty water. In the Lakota story the humans and animals were sculpted based on the previous world were as in the West African one they were modeled after how the orishas looked. …show more content…
Another cool fact about the West African story is that the Orisha gets down to the water by climbing a chain of gold were the Great Spirit has the ability to fly it seems like and lives on the earth with them, the Orisha also made the Earth and Humans so he would have something to help with his